Hi! My name is Tanya, CTO (Chief Transformation Officer at BRI) and most recently mom to my second child (after 22 years). I have created this safe space for busy working moms looking for tips and tricks on how to balance their professional growth while being an amazing mom, and of course being able to share experience and get non-judgment support from an amazing community throughout the process.

What does this monthly subscription include?

Being a mom is tough, and our calendars look like a mess.

Nonetheless, this space requires us to meet once a month (ideally twice).

During our first meet, we’ll talk about a specific tool or tip that will help you regain a healthy balance between work and home without neglecting your overall wellbeing.

We then meet after two weeks (45 minutes) to talk about your progress and discuss future improvements.

The main point is to stay accountable for your actions and progress.

It’s a fun and interactive approach to coaching with more hands-on practice than uses theory and continuous access to our supportive community.

I know… you’re asking yourself… “Do we meet once or twice?”

Here’s the thing, I know our calendars are not always consistent so, let’s do what’s most convenient. Our catch-up session is a MUST in attendance. As for the first and explaining session, once you subscribe you’ll get access to our Facebook group where we’ll have a recording of the first meeting if you can’t make it.

December topic

Strategies to go through the holidays, from managing kids-at-home, to having a delicious table filled with our loved ones.